Author: carrie

  • Sing! Sing! Sing!

    Think back, when was the last time you belted out your favorite song? How did that feel for you? What is your relationship to singing songs? Car Singer? Shower Singer? Sing as you work? Sing with others?  What is singing as it relates to Music Therapy?  Is singing making sounds in pitch and rhythm to…

  • April…. Bring May….

    “April Showers Bring May Flowers” Lately, I have been using this phrase in my music therapy sessions to help with memory and communication.  I also have used similar phrases common in a person’s long term memory such as singing: One, Two, Three Strikes…… You’re Out! At the ….Old Ball Game!”   This Neurological technique is called Musical Speech…

  • Pivoting


    Pivoting in it’s classic definition is to “turn or rotate”.  The basic human ability to turn or rotate is still an acquired skill whether using the body  to turn, or learning to with the assistance of an aid, like a wheelchair or walker.  One of the developmental milestones new parents look for in their infants is…

  • Music and the Brain: Stroke Rehab with Neurologic Music Therapy

    In March of this year, I received a referral to assess an 83 year old woman who had had a stroke which effected the speech areas in her brain causing global aphasia. Global aphasia is characterized by a severe impairment across all language modalities. Individuals have very poor comprehension, may be nonverbal, or produce verbal stereotypies…

  • Music and the Brain

    The Science of Music and the Mind Recently, I posted an Instagram post with the graphic shown below, provided by Music Together, LLC.  I work with all ages and stages of folks using music to help support their journey to their own personal wellness and agency. From early childhood into adulthood recent studies have shown the…

  • Sing, dance, jump, and twirl with Music Together this Summer!

    Summer can be an especially happy time for families. The sun is out, the pool is open, friends stop by, work slows down. Children play outside, examining stones, water, insects, and mud. They can become engrossed in their own activity for extended periods, leaving adults with a little bit more freedom. With this relaxed pace,…

  • Laughter + Music = The BEST Medicine

    We have heard both phrases:  “Laugher is the best Medicine” and “Music is Medicine” so, why not combine the two?  Grab your loved one to watch, laugh, and sing to this fun folk song!  How do you feel afterwards?  What music lifts your spirits and brings joy into your life?   Active music making combined with playfulness…

  • Superpowers!

    Tom* began individual music therapy teletherapy sessions this past December because he has had Parkinson’s Disease (PD) for 10 years and now his spouse says she can’t hear him speak and continually asks him to, “Speak Up!” I also knew Tom before the pandemic lockdown of 2020 as he attended an in person music therapy…

  • Music Therapy with “Original Sound”

    By now, I am sure we have all become professionals navigating Zoom or Google Meet or any other video platform to connect with work, school, family, and friends.  It’s been almost a year since we were all sent home and learned about social distancing to help slow the spread of COVID-19.  I know personally, it’s…

  • Plans, Hopes, Dreams and Giving in 2021

    I think Miles Davis had it right when he said, “Do not fear mistakes. There are none,” especially when I see someone engaging in music that speaks to them. Many of us, including myself at one time, live with the notion that active music making needs to be learned. At a young age, active music…