Hello! Hello! How Are You?
In years past, during the start of the holidays, I would be involved with choir performances for my music therapy groups. Last year, I recall I was very busy leading performances from the Rising Star Choir, The Metro Parks disAbilities Group, and the Peterson’s Choir for Parkinsons. I recall feeling so proud of my groups for all their progress and accomplishments! However, this year, 2020, has proven so very different. I miss the smiles on all my choir members’ faces as they sing and perform! I’m glad I have videos on the In Harmony YouTube Channel to go back to watch, remember, and hope for more great concerts to come.
This year, many of us are staying home and away from family as measures to social distance and reduce COVID spread. This feels very different too. Even in my own small family unit I’ve been thinking of ways to connect with friends and family. I also want to make Thanksgiving Day special and festive for my kids an husband. Here are seven ideas I want to share with you:
- What food does you or immediate family members really love but do not have all the time? Make an abundance of these. Fo me it’s dinner rolls and deviled eggs, which only get served on holidays. My kids go crazy for both!
- Make that special dessert that you or your family crave, not matter if it is pumpkin pie or just good old fashioned brownies! Involve the kids if they are keen to help out.
- Spend a few hours watching a favorite movie or a binge of shows together. Pop some popcorn or have that bag of potato chips you don’t often buy.
- Go ahead and start decorating the house for Christmas!
- Play your favorite music and have a dance party, even break out the Christmas music if you are so inclined.
- Take a walk in the neighborhood at mid-day. Hopefully, the sun will be shining high in the sky!
- Zoom or FaceTime with family and/or friends during dinner time and have dinner virtually “together”!
What are some of your family traditions? What are you doing new and different this year to keep Thanksgiving festive and fun? Drop a comment below and let me know what you are up to and to share more ideas!
As always, be sure to follow In Harmony Music Therapy of Middle Tennessee on Instagram and Facebook. If you have any questions about music therapy services, feel free to reach out at carrie@inharmonymusicmidtn.com. I’ll be announcing my January schedule soon, so keep on the look out for more updates in the weeks to come!
I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
All the best,
Ms. Carrie